The Hunt for Transparency and Lowest Net Cost for Pharmacy Benefits

In today’s healthcare landscape, the rising costs of prescription medications pose significant challenges for employers and insurance consultants.

Mark Campbell, Senior Vice President of Clinical Services at RxBenefits, highlights the impact of expensive specialty medications and the need for comprehensive solutions prioritizing affordability. “A large group may reasonably handle one or two utilizations of an expensive therapy, but for a small-to-midsize group, it can be devastating,” Campbell said.

As Josh McGee, Vice President of Specialty Programs at Amwins Group Benefits, states, the focus should be on better insights into what pharmacy benefit managers earn per script and creating comprehensive solutions that provide a high-quality, low-cost option for the plan sponsor.

Embracing transparency in conversations with a PBM, focusing on the lowest net cost, and building sustainable cost-containment strategies enables employers to maintain coverage for lifesaving therapies and empowers employees to access critical care. Read the full article in BenefitsPRO for more information.

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