Specialty pharmacy grows increasingly complex each year. Let us help you make it clear.

You’re the trusted pharmacy expert for your clients, and we know you take that responsibility seriously. Ever-rising specialty costs, emerging therapies, and million-dollar drugs in the development pipeline put a lot of pressure on you to maintain your expertise. Our resources offer everything you need to know about specialty pharmacy, so you can stay informed and help your clients stay protected from wasteful spending and catastrophic claims.

Prescription paraphernalia stylized to make it look like complexity and costs are growing.

Bundled Resources

These packaged resources provide comprehensive information about topics we know are crucial to you and your self-funded clients.

1 Vaccine vials

Specialty 101

An introductory overview of all things specialty

Bundle includes:

  • Ready to use presentation
  • Overview Video
2 Costs dial turned down to a minimum

Controlling Specialty Cost

Fighting high costs with contract and clinical management

Bundle includes:

  • Ready to use presentations
  • Overview Videos
3 Stairs accessing separate doors, but only one is open

Alternative Funding

What you need to know about copay and patient assistance

Bundle includes:

  • Ready to use presentations
  • Overview Videos
  • FAQ Document 
  • Brochure
4 A woman playing Jenga

Managing Risk

Protecting against catastrophic claims with supplemental stop-loss

Bundle includes:

  • Ready to use presentations
  • Overview Videos
  • Brochures
  • eBook

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