Our Optimize 360 Solution Delivered $120K in Savings for This Nonprofit

If your clients are searching for ways to provide robust pharmacy benefits they can actually afford, you’re not alone. More than a year ago, the need for cost-effective, high-quality pharmacy benefits brought a Mid-Atlantic nonprofit to RxBenefits. The specialized employees of the nonprofit support children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities every day, and the nonprofit needs to retain its top talent while saving money to put toward its community.

Based on a review of the previous plan, our pharmacy benefits experts found the client could save $90K annually with our Optimize 360 solution – significant savings for this 200-member life group. This comprehensive solution supports clients of all sizes with Fortune 100-level negotiating power. Beyond providing guaranteed discounts, rebates, and lower drug prices, our clean, client-aligned contracts include annual performance reviews and true-ups with additional savings we negotiate passed on to the employer.

An additional $30K from ongoing negotiations with the PBM for this Mid-Atlantic nonprofit brought their yearly savings to more than $120K. Before the end of their first year with RxBenefits, the client renewed their contract. On average, our clients see savings of 20 percent or more in the first year, with even more savings year over year, thanks to contracts that serve their interests – not the pharmacy benefit manager’s.

Pairing our Protect solution with Optimize 360 creates the potential for even greater savings. Protect provides independent clinical management that eliminates wasteful spending and reduces medical risks for members.

Your clients need comprehensive support, which means finding a solution that saves money, keeps members healthy and safe, and creates an exceptional experience that will earn their loyalty and secure your next renewal. Learn more about Optimize 360.

Read the Nonprofit Story

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